On This Day…

Here are some resources for finding out about historical events that occurred on any given day of the year:

  Carschooling Website: At www.carschooling.com you can sign up for our free eZine with historical information about each day of the year. Library of Congress Website: American Memory at http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/today offers “Today in History,” which lists […]

Honesty is the Best Policy

Lies Across America: What Our Historic Sites Get Wrong, by James W. Loewen identifies historical markers, monuments, and sites in every state that have historical interpretations that are either misleading or wrong. Loewen is the author of the award-winning best seller Lies My Teacher Told Me, a book that discredits 12 leading high school history […]

Be a Roadside Scholar

Did you know that not all historical markers are accurate? Just as in history textbooks, mistakes are sometimes made in what is written in stone along the highway. Some markers have incomplete information, others are misleading, and still others are downright wrong. Encourage your road scholars to be roadside researchers. What is the topic of […]