Make a Photojournal

Most children really enjoy using a camera and taking pictures. Have them keep their very own photographic journal of your carschooling adventures. Digital cameras are great fun because you can see how the picture looks instantly. Let carschoolers take turns photographing interesting things along the way. They will learn quickly how to adjust the way […]

Carry Memories Everywhere

Most children really enjoy using a camera and taking pictures. Have them keep their very own photographic journal of your carschooling adventures. Digital cameras are great fun because you can see how the picture looks instantly. Let carschoolers take turns photographing interesting things along the way. They will learn quickly how to adjust the way […]

Another Year

If you travel the same route over a period of a year, encourage your carschoolers to keep a record of seasonal changes. Look for a natural setting along the way (a park, a community garden, a grove of trees, a field, a bay or lake or river), and at the change of seasons stop at […]