Learning the Lyrics

Carschoolers love to sing out loud in the car. However, “One Hundred Bottles of Rootbeer on the Wall” doesn’t last as long as you might think. If you simply rely on passengers to suggest songs to sing, you may discover that everyone knows the first line or two of a song but not all of […]

The Mobile Art Gallery

Dry-erase markers, those handy pens used for business and school presentations on special wipe-off boards, have been commandeered by carschooling parents to provide hours of car window art activities. The markers come in a variety of colors for drawing and doodling. Let the kids decorate your windows and transform your car into a mobile art […]

Pass It Along Art

Give every carschooler a piece of paper and a pencil. Have everyone draw a head and neck on their paper—it can be the head and neck of a person, animal, insect, monster, or whatever. Have them fold the paper in half so that no one can see the drawing—and pass it to the person next […]