Carschooling Book

Here’s How to Get Your Copy of the Carschooling Book

The Brand New, 2nd Edition, of the Ever-Popular, Best-SellingCarschooling Book is Now Available!

Carschooling: Over 350 Entertaining Games
and Activities To Turn Travel Time Into Learning Time!

By Diane Flynn Keith

You don't have to be in the car to enjoy "Carschooling"!

You don't have to be in the car to enjoy "Carschooling"!

“Are we there yet?” You won’t hear that question when you seize the opportunity to turn travel time into learning time with Carschooling! Whether running a 5-minute errand or taking a 500-mile road trip you can enhance your kids’ education with fun and enticing activities, resources, and zany games designed to improve skills in math, science, grammar, and more! Enjoy:

  • Windshield Entomology, Road-Cut Geology, and 18-Wheeler Chemistry
  • Dashboard Decimal Drills and Rock ‘n’ Roll Multiplication Tables
  • Drive-By History, and Glove Compartment Geography
  • Billboard Poetry & Parts of Speech
  • Rest Stop Olympics, Car Seat Calisthenics, and more!

See? There is an alternative to “Slug Bug” and “The Song That Never Ends.” And with Carschooling, you don’t have to plug your kids into electronic games or non-stop videos.

Carschooling will turn your kids into “Road Scholars” while you spend meaningful time together and create life-long, heartfelt memories.

Look What Others Are Saying About Carschooling

“You’ll be staggered by the ingenuity and imagination captured in these pages. What a brainbath!” ~John Taylor Gatto, Author of “Dumbing Us Down”

“A veritable roadmap for learning from one of the country’s leading experts.” ~Heather Fredrick, Founder, Audio BookShelf

“We take Carschooling with us everywhere! It’s entertaining, factual and fun. The entire family enjoys using it.” ~Annette M. Hall, Editor of

“Fun, educational, and takes the whine out of drive time.” ~Rebecca Kochenderfer, Editor of

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