On This Day…

Here are some resources for finding out about historical events that occurred on any given day of the year:

Carschooling Website: At www.carschooling.com you can sign up for our free eZine with historical information about each day of the year.
Library of Congress Website: American Memory at http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/today offers “Today in History,” which lists events that took place in American history on any given date.
History Channel Website: “This Day in History” at www.historychannel.com/thisday offers a listing in a variety of categories
New York Times Website: Try “On This Day” at www.nytimes.com/learning/general/onthisday for a story of historical significance that corresponds with the days date.

These are great to use with Brown Bag History, or just to keep your carschoolers entertained and educated on the road.  You can even have your carschoolers use your smart phone while in the car to access these websites on their own!

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